Friday 20 April 2012

Gosai Baganer Bhoot (2011) DVDRIP 700MB Mediafire Download

TOI : 3.5/5

Director : Nitish Ray
Genre :Comedy, Horror
Actors : Kanchan Mallick, Saswata Chatterjee

Plot :The movie tells the story of ‘Burun’, an ordinary, young boy, who is hopelessly poor in mathematics (he scores 13 out of 100 in his class annual exams), much to the amusement of his friends and to the disgust of his father, ‘Benu Daktar’ (Saswata Chatterjee). Chided by one and all (even by his pet parrot!), ‘Burun’ finds an unlikely ally in his grandfather, ‘Ram Kobrej’ (Victor Bannerjee), who does not attach much value to bookish knowledge. Sympathy from the senior-most member of the family does not help our protagonist much though, who is forced to take maths tuitions from the eccentric ‘Karali Sir’, whose madness is a byword among men and beasts alike.Despondent and distraught, ‘Burun’ wanders off to ‘Gosai Bagan’, a reportedly haunted place. There, he meets ‘Nidhiram Sardar’ (Kanchan Mullick), a ghost, but is apparently unperturbed by this chance encounter. ‘Nidhiram’ literally begs ‘Burun’ to show some semblance of fear and in exchange, offers to solve all the problems that are eating away at the latter’s life. The duo reaches a pact and ‘Burun’ becomes the veritable genius of the village, solving the toughest of mathematical problems and hitting sixes with equal ease. After all, when you have someone from the other side as your aide, you can indeed do the unthinkable!

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4



Sohini said...

All the files are corrupt and 3 of them do not have audio

SuUbhA said...

New links are added...

Anonymous said...

Hochhe na... Not working.. Deleted files

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